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Showing posts from February 27, 2008

Realistic Expectations

Expectations? What are they? How do they work? Everyone has them, and sometimes the one who has the most unrealistic expectations is you. I set goals for myself, a chapter a day, 15,000 words per week. It shouldn't take long to get to the 80,000 word mark, right? I forgot the things that make up my day, my life. When I started writing my novel I was working 40 + hours a week, raising a highly energized child, dealing with an immature husband who I neglected to tell I was working on a book to sell and not just fan fiction...needless to say, my expectations of myself did not get met. So here it is nearly two years after I started my novel and I've learned that goals are great, they help me get on track, but they aren't my written in rock statements. So I set my goals with a more realistic idea in mind. I've got four hours a day I can get onto the computer without an interruption, and in those four hours I can get a fair chunk of work done. I'm okay with that. Four hou