It seems hard to believe but we are once again at December 31st, New Years Eve for most of us. For me this is a time of reflection on what I have accomplished and what I want to accomplish. Unlike some, I don't make a New Years resolution - frankly I'm not awake at midnight so what would be the point? Too often people make these resolutions with all the best intentions but how often do we see them through. Not too often. I'm one of the those guilty parties - make a resolution and then when it comes time to actually do something constructive that would give me the resolution, well I'm busy. So for me, this time of year has become about reflecting on where I am. Where have I been? What have I done? Have I finished everything I wanted or needed to be successful? If I can answer positively to these questions, my year is ending on a positive note. Yes, I am a writer, but my reflecting doesn't always apply to my writing. Nope its only a part of it. I look at everythin