Pull up a chair, grab that cup of jo and have some of these wondeful cookies. Today we're talking to Cindy Cromer, our guest for the round table. Welcome Cindy, glad you could stop by. So, what motivated you to write in the genre you write in? CC: Ever since I was little I have loved to read. In elementary school, I'd rather read Nancy Drew mysteries than play in the playground. Nerd right? In eighth grade for an assignment I wrote a descriptive essay and was placed in the honors Literature and English classes in High School. At that time I had visions of becoming a best selling author but my favorite subjects were science and math. Nerd again! I majored in Chemistry and Biology in college, went on to become the president of a laboratory network, and wrote numerous research and technical documents, but in all of my spare time continued to read any mystery/suspense novel I could. I always jokingly said one day I would write a book. My fami...