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Meet Tami Winbush, Marketing/PR representative for Champagne Books

Tami Winbush: Marketing/PR rep for Champagne Books said:

I don't know how it's possible to hate talking to people and love talking to people at the same time. But somehow I end up doing it. I do not like to get up in front of a crowd. It makes me sweat, get all red in the face and my heart beats out of my chest. Textbook heart attack, I mean panic attack.

But once I get in front of said people, I can talk to them as if I have known them forever. I love to talk. I've been told that I have NEVER met a stranger, and it's true. The smaller the group of people I meet the better I am. So you would think that marketing Champagne and Carnal Passion Books to people online would make my life really easy since I don't actually have to get up in front of any people, right? WRONG!

There is 'something' to a face-to-face connection and being able to show someone something tangible. "Here my dear reader, look at this wonderful book. The cover art is exquisite, the story line intriguing, and the ending pops out of nowhere."

But that doesn't read nearly as well as if I were there with you. Don't get me wrong though; there are also great benefits to marketing online. The networking potential on the Internet is endless; with blogs, online magazines, review sites, your own website, and social networking sites!

I actually stumbled into my Promotions Manager job quite accidentally! I had been a reader for Champagne books for quite a while when I asked the publisher Ellen a question.

"Ellen," I said "how do you get your foot in the door in the publishing industry? I've run a review site; I have a degree in Accounting with a strong background in Marketing. What do I do? Maybe I could be a review coordinator?"

Ellen then came back and told me of a job opening that Champagne had available. I was excited, and jumped at the opportunity. How often do things like this happen? Not often for me, so I took this as a sign and Ellen and I had a nice talk and here I am. Happy as a clam and wondering when the work starts. I tell Ellen (too often I think) that I don't feel that I am working. I enjoy my work way too much to be working.

My suggestion to all authors is to make your presence known. Talk to all bloggers, all review sites, leave comments on all reviews of your book, talk to all book related sites! This is the way to promote, to market online. Get out there and push! As my favorite saying goes, "The worst they can says is no."


Tami does a wonderful job, and the more she grows into it, the more we'll find wild and wonderful things for her to do.

And don't be shy. Drop by to say hi to her. She can be found at almost all the time, working tirelessly for the slave driver that I am.

Unknown said…
THAT'S MY GIRL! You do an awesome job and are a perfect fit for such an awesome publishing company. MUAH to the whole Champagne staff and authors!

Tami Winbush said…
Ellen a slave driver, I think not!

I'm simply playing in my job and loving every second of it. :)
Tami Winbush said…
Val -

Thanks for the wonderful comment! I do think that Champagne is a wonderful publishing company. We have the most talented authors! Guess what girl?! We have some great things coming up in the new year, you better keep your eyes open!

Unknown said…
They are duct taped open (I'm from the South where duct tape fixes everything.) HURRY!
Tami Winbush said…
Just make sure that the duct tape matches the outfit you are wearing. They care a HUGE variety over at Wal-Mart! :)
Martha Eskuchen said…
Just saw this earlier post too! Good advise to authors. I'm often surprised that more authors do not comment on reviews of their books. I have had an author comment on a good but not wonderful review and it increased my respect for her! I will for sure try her books again just for that effort on her part!
Tami Winbush said…
It's little things that seem to make the most impact. Authors really need to take the time out of their day to day to take that into consideration.

Thanks for commenting Martha!

Great to hear of this position Tami. I am so looking forward to the new things from Champagne Books.
Tami Winbush said…
We've got GREAT new writers and online book clubs. You guys should join us!


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